Oct 29, 2017
We're back with Part 2 of our Halloween Songs of the '80s series. This time, we let you - our listeners - pick your favorite songs. And to be honest: We like your picks better than ours!
This episode is sponsored by Away Travel. Listen to the show for a special offer from this amazing luggage company. (Brad is pretty...
Oct 22, 2017
"The Princess Bride" is now 30 years old?!? How did that happen? Only Miracle Max knows for sure, but Spearsy and B-Rad celebrate their favorite moments in this timeless classic.
This episode of Stuck in the '80s is sponsored by BarkBox. Listen to the show for a special discount for listeners of our show. Also, we have...
Oct 15, 2017
Looking for creepy songs for an '80s Halloween playlist? Spearsy, B-Rad and Jen With One N offer up their personal Top 10 list of spooky songs from the '80s.
Is your favorite '80s Halloween song missing from our list? We're doing a Part 2 show with listener songs. Just email your suggestions to podcast@sit80s.com.
Oct 8, 2017
Tom Petty was a hero and a hell-raiser. He made music for every decade. He made music people will still be listening to 50 years from now. He may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten.
In this week's podcast, our three hosts share their favorite songs and memories of the Head Heartbreaker.