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Do you believe in John Hughes, day-glo colors, Han shot first, new wave music, Reaganomics, lip syncing on American Bandstand, standing in line for concert ticket wristbands, Alex P. Keaton, American Top 40 long distance dedications, and the existence of music videos on MTV? Then this podcast is for you.

Join Steve Spears and Brad Williams for a weekly dose of your favorite decade - the 1980s - here at and the official Stuck in the '80s webpage!

Feb 16, 2016

Steve and Brad bring you a quick '80s News Now to tide you over until the start of long-awaited '80s Cruise, with updates on a One Crazy Summer sequel, the summer concert tour lineup, and good news about Rick Springfield's new album.

All this, and seggies too!

CLICK HERE to listen to this...

Feb 7, 2016

For this year's Valentine's Day show, we honor the movie "Somewhere in Time," featuring guest co-host Carol Janssen.