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Do you believe in John Hughes, day-glo colors, Han shot first, new wave music, Reaganomics, lip syncing on American Bandstand, standing in line for concert ticket wristbands, Alex P. Keaton, American Top 40 long distance dedications, and the existence of music videos on MTV? Then this podcast is for you.

Join Steve Spears and Brad Williams for a weekly dose of your favorite decade - the 1980s - here at and the official Stuck in the '80s webpage!

Oct 30, 2014

Steve rises from the mostly-dead to join Brad for another '80s News Now show.  We talk about everybody's favorite Time Travel Trilogy, Molly Ringwald, and your vacation plans for 2016.

Plus we award the first of many Stuck in the '80s bottle openers!

Molly Ringwald's advice column at The Guardian

The '80s Cruise home...

Oct 9, 2014











Brad sits down with Keva Rosenfeld to discuss the year he spent with Torrance High School's Class of 1984 - and the amazing documentary that he directed, All American High Revisited.

Don't worry, '80s Nation - Spearsy is still at the helm guiding us through a great show, including a rare two-in-one...