Jun 27, 2019
"Rerun? What's a rerun?" This week's show features our 2014 interview with Loverboy's Mike Reno. But we added brand-new seggies and more to the show. It's a great chat with the legendary frontman, who will be returning to the 2020 voyage of The 80s Cruise along with the rest of Loverboy.
Today's episode of Stuck in the...
Jun 15, 2019
What was it with movie dads in the '80s? Their intentions were good but their methods of showing love were ... well, often quite bad. In this week's podcast, Brad, Jen and Steve decide which movie dads were bad or good. Lots of laughs but a fair amount of tears as well.
Movies include: Parenthood, Dune, Sixteen...
Jun 5, 2019
This week, we set the podcast time machine back to 1976! Why? To discover all the amazing tunes that topped out at NUMBER 2 on the charts! It's a weird and nostalgic show, but aren't they all?
Away Travel is back as a sponsor of our podcast. Both Brad and Spearsy are happy and loyal customers of Away Travel. Why?...