Apr 29, 2018
Which three '80s celebrities would you invite to your dinner party? Spearsy, B-Rad and Jen With One N give you their picks. Plus, we honor our favorite picks from our listeners.
Also this episode, the latest edition of Take This Job and Shove It. And Jen With One N has a new round of her trivia game. PLUS, there's some...
Apr 22, 2018
We had some AMAZING summer movies back in 1988 - and then we had a few that are so epic in their awfulness that we only dub them as the "summer stinkers." Here are our top 5 picks for worst movies from the summer of 1988.
This week's show is sponsored by Care.com, the ultimate online guide to caretakers, petsitters and...
Apr 15, 2018
Spearsy and Jen With One N take a break from the '80s and explore the nostalgia of other years outside our beloved decade.
Stuck in the '80s is a partner with BevStow, the ultimate wine-storage device for your frig. BevStow is only $19.95, but you can save 25% when ordering online and using the promo code...
Apr 8, 2018
This week Spearsy and B-Rad review the movie "Ready Player One," but no worries - they don't give away any big spoilers. Also this week: the return of Mystery Movie Moment and Listener Mailbag. And our picks for the top 5 movies that are nostalgic for the '80s.
This week's episode is sponsored by BevStow. Save 25...