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Do you believe in John Hughes, day-glo colors, Han shot first, new wave music, Reaganomics, lip syncing on American Bandstand, standing in line for concert ticket wristbands, Alex P. Keaton, American Top 40 long distance dedications, and the existence of music videos on MTV? Then this podcast is for you.

Join Steve Spears and Brad Williams for a weekly dose of your favorite decade - the 1980s - here at and the official Stuck in the '80s webpage!

May 12, 2019

Everything has to come to an end, and that includes our favorite TV comedies in the '80s. In this week's episode of Stuck in the '80s, your hosts each share the finale that meant the most to them, including MASH, Newhart, Cheers and Family Ties. And we ask for your input on future episodes on this topic. 

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